Our records indicate that you have not paid your 2021 subscriptions and this is now well past due. The amount payable is determined by the grade your team is entered into, and not the age of the player. If you have any query please reply to the Treasurer - Alanna Ineson - by responding to this email.
Team | |
Premier (A and B team) | $285 |
Senior/ Reserve, 2nd, U21 | $235 |
U19 and U17 | $180 |
U13 and U12 | $150 |
How to Pay
Online Banking: Westpac 03 1591 0105537 00. Please reference with your name and grade.
Penalties for late payment - after 20 July
Regretfully, if the sub is not paid by 24 July or no arrangements made to pay, there will be a $30 additional fee and the player may be required to stand down from competition play. We trust we don't get to that stage, and will make every effort to put together an instalment plan to suit. However, we are also required to pay Christchurch Netball in a timely manner and we rely on all team members paying their way. In cases of financial hardship, we are willing to listen and find a solution.
Alanna Ineson
Technical Netball Club