Here we are in June, and already one third of the Winter competition is done, so it is timely to have an update on happenings. The top 4 teams continue their 11 game round robin, with Premier and Senior Reserve to be split into top and bottom halves to complete the Championship Round in August. Lower grades have been regraded and teams should get an opportunity to play different teams, closer to their ability. Later on in July, teams will be regraded again and compete in the Championship round to make playoffs, with finals due to be played Saturday 28 August. If there is a need to cancel any games in August, then playoffs and finals will be pushed out a week.
Fundraising is ongoing and our next event is Sunday 13 June - Quiz Afternoon. This will run from 3-6pm at The Bealey (previously Speights Ale House) in Bealey Avenue. Tickets are $70 for a table of 4-6 people. This is an important source of funds for us as we look to contribute to the cost of new uniforms for everyone this year. Lets get all teams having at least one table. Details are on our Facebook page. The organiser should pay Technical Netball the $70. This event is not far away, so make plans now - toady at your game!
Thanks to all those that purchased Pasta. We trust you are enjoying some comfort food as Winter weather hits us. We raised nearly $300 and we are likely to make another offering later in the season. The Club will be running the BBQ at Hagley on 24 July and we will be asking for some volunteers.
We have Entertainment Books available to purchase, only digital versions available. Order online from our website. The books are $70, with a credit card transaction fee on top. There is currently a special deal to get Multi City coverage for the price of a single city..
There are still a number of players who have not paid their subscriptions, and your Coach has a list. We need you to pay now, as we have to pay fees to ChCh Netball. Whatever subs you pay, only around $40 is retained by the Club with the balance going to CNC and NNZ. You can still arrange to make payment by contacting us on
Of course we cannot forget that Technical Netball is celebrating 100 years, after being established in 1921. There is a passionate and hard working committee determined to make this an occasion to remember. Separate information has gone out and details are on the website. Reach out to old friends and arrange to get together. We have already reached out to our email database of 10 years, but know that many emails are no longer valid. So mention the Centenary when talking to your netball friends.
A shout out to the The Oxford Club - who have generously provided us with a sponsorship sum that allowed us to reduce your subs and contribute to other costs of running teams. They have issued their loyalty card to all players from Second Grade up to Premier. These cards can be used at a number of venues around Christchurch. The cards will be given to Coaches this week, for distribution. They are all named! You gain points and get discounts. If any parents of under age teams are interested in having such a card, then we do have a few spare. Get in touch with us.
A gentle reminder to everyone - players, coaches managers, family and friends to play nice on the sideline, as well as on court. All sports continue to make a push to see positive behaviour being demonstrated on the side line. Negative and abusive comments are not to be tolerated. You are representing Technical Club, so show sportsman-like behaviour to the other team, supporters and especially the umpires. When you're down at Hagley on a Saturday follow the Positive Sideline Supporters Code:
#1 Cheer smart - Learn about the game, so you can encourage friends and family to take part.
#2 Cheer with honour - Respect the rules and traditions of the game, and all participants.
#3 Cheer proud - Set an example of fair play for all; Give the cold shoulder to abuse & bad sports.
#4 Cheer fair - Be dignified and gracious whatever the result, whatever the ruling.
#5 Cheer loud -
Give it heaps in a way that lets everyone know we love the game.
If you have serious ongoing issues (players, umpiring or sideline) while a game is in progress and you want something done about it - go to the OFFICE, and ask for someone to come and observe. ChCh Netball will not action any complaints made after the game if no attempt has been made to get an Official. It is surprising how the presence of an official will calm things down.
There is a wealth of information to be found on our website and Facebook page, also that of Christchurch Netball, so please check them out and make yourself familiar with them. Make use of Facebook to tell us a brief run down on how your team's game went each week - keep it brief and positive.
Facebook: Technical Netball Club
Technical Website:
Christchurch Netball Website:
Happy netballing
Technical Netball Committee
June 2021