Celebrating our 100 years!!
Thanks to those who have registered for our upcoming celebrations. Definitely some names from the past - Maxine Blomquist, Shirley Langrope, Marilyn Milne and the present - Abby Washington, Alanna Ineson (nee O'Grady).
Now is the time to complete your registration, using the link below. It is very important as you all know, for catering purpose that we know you are coming, so let us know now! Even more important - we want to see you in person and share those memories. We would love to see any photos and other memorabilia reflecting your Technical links.
Tuesday 3 August 6:30pm - Watch the A and B teams in action at Bishopdale YMCA
Friday 6 August 7pm- Catch up with past and present players $30 cost at The Bealey
Saturday 7 August - watch games at Hagley courts, teams involved are
Under 12 play at 9:35
Under 13 play at 10:30 and 3:05
Under17 play at 12:20
Under 19 play at 11:25
Second Grade play at 10:30, 11:25, 2:10
Senior Reserve play at 10am and 2:30 om - 1 hour long games
Saturday 7 August 4pm- social get together - HSOB Clubrooms
Visit our website for more information
Register on the below link
Contact real people for any questions, or to register manually
Jill Dimond 027 291 4483 or Raewyn Pope 027 321 0364