Celebrating our 100 years!!
A reminder of our upcoming celebrations, and now is the time to indicate your intentions by registering using the link below. It is important for catering purpose that we know you are coming, so let us know now!
There were some gremlins with the dates in the last email, so here is a summary:
Tuesday 3 August 6:30pm - Watch the A and B teams in action (not against each other)
Friday 6 August 7pm- Catch up with past and present players $30 cost
Saturday 7 August - watch games at Hagley
Saturday 7 August 4pm- social get together
Click here for more information and details
Click below to register (you may need to copy and paste using Chrome browser)
Breaking News!
There is a possibility of a bus pub crawl on the Saturday evening if there is enough interest. Head to our facebook page to express your interest.
Contact for any questions, or to register manually
Jill Dimond 027 291 4483 or Raewyn Pope 027 321 0364