Some welcome news - the Hagley netball courts are now available for us to use for trials. We are well aware of the disruption to school and home life as schools move to sharing arrangements and so we have made changes to dates and times of our trials. We have decided to hold the under age trials only at the weekends. Access to the city should also be more straightforward on a Sunday than trying to get around town in the later afternoon traffic. We have chosen to have just one selection trial for U19 and U17 as that is sufficient time for the number of teams we usually have. There will only be two trial sessions for the other grades. No allowance will be made for wet weather, in that we will not be putting on a replacement trial session. We will if necessary rely on performance last year and preference for practice times to place every registered person in a team.
If you find yourself unable to attend a particular trial time, then please email to let us know so we don't forget to take you into account. Include details about your preferred practice days/times and days/times you definitely can not make. We will particularly need to know if you are attending school in an afternoon shift. We don't have a solution to suitable training times for those girls at this time, however we will need to know how many intending players are affected. Any creative suggestions should be forwarded to the info email address.
To pick up your gear bag & jacket, buy uniforms and/or pay subscriptions, you will need to attend one of the
Club Days in the HSOB Clubrooms in Ayr St. We have two days:
Sunday April 10 from 10am to noon
Monday April 11 from 5.30pm to 7.00pm (extended from original times as traffic is a problem at the moment).
We intend to hold our
AGM on Sunday 10 April from 9.30am at the HSOB Clubroom sin Ayr St. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Check the website for up to date information at all times under the EVENTS tab for all trials information. We don't intend to send any more newsletters until after trials, so any changes will just be made on the website. Please check the day, time and venue. If the weather is quite bad, then we will try to put a cancellation notice on the website, otherwise we will be going ahead with trials.
We understand that a number of you may not be in Christchurch when trials are on, but expect to return to the city and would still like to play when the season commences on May 7. In this case, please email us your registration form and make a note of when you would be available to attend trainings and the date you are due to return. Any information about registrations should be sent to
We look forward to seeing you at trials and getting sports normality back into our lives as we head into the Winter sports season.
Technical Netball Committee