Welcome to all new and returning players for the 2019 netball season. A huge thank you to the selectors and umpires of the trial games. Coaches will be in touch with you to advise when practices will start. We take satisfaction in ensuring that we find a place for everyone that registers and turns up for trials. There are places open in most teams, so if you have friends still wanting to play, encourage them to join us. For various reasons, players pull out due to work commitments or injuries, leaving us with gaps.
2019 Competition Dates
There are different start dates to competition this year:
Premier 1 and 2 Tuesday 23 April
Senior Reserve Saturdays 27 April to 17 August, no play 13 July
2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, U19, U17 Saturdays 4 May to 17 August, no play 13 July
U15, U14, U13, U12 Saturdays 27 April to 17 August, no play 1 June or 13 July
Semi Finals and Finals for all Saturday grades are Aug 24 and 31.
Club Day - Sunday 31 March 2019. Everyone is invited to Club Day and the chance to meet the rest of the Club. Our committee have been working really hard to get some wonderful prizes (individuals and teams) to encourage you all. A separate newsletter will be sent with the details.
Uniforms - If you are new to the Club you may not be aware that we require players to buy their playing uniform (Technical shirt and skirt). The cost of a complete uniform is $95, although you can buy separately the shirt for $55 and the skirt for $40 and are available on Club Day. We do not make any profit on uniforms as we sell them at cost to us. We encourage second hand uniforms to be made available for sale on our Facebook page. Jackets will be provided for junior teams and distributed by the coach. This year we will have hoodies for sale $60 and these can be ordered on Club Day.
Fundraising Events. We have had to raise subscriptions this year, due to substantial increased team costs from Christchurch Netball and general increases in balls etc. over the last couple of years. A Subscription Notice will be sent separately. We still need your help with fundraising as well. A number of events are being planned and you will be asked to contribute. We are also open to any sponsorship opportunities. If you, or someone you know would be interested in supporting our sport, get in touch.
Entertainment Books for sale
We continue to raise funds by selling Entertainment Books in both digital and hard copy. The digital version is very handy and saves having to carry the big book. The Club receives $14 for every book sold. The current version covers Christchurch, Canterbury and Nelson, however you can order books for other regions, such as Dunedin. The link to the Technical Netball payment page is:
which is where you can order and pay online using credit card details. If you want to pay cash/cheque, then please see Elaine Higgs or Raewyn Pope. The books cost $70 and we will deliver them to you on a Saturday at Hagley. Ensure you include the name of the Technical netball player you know, so that we can get the book to you. They will be available from mid May, for use as from 1 June 2019.
Umpiring requirements
ALL players in
Premier, Senior, Senior Reserve, Second Grade and U19 grade must sit the NNZ on line Centre Theory exam. When you have completed the test on line, you must print out the certificate and hand to the coach. If you don't hand in the certificate, then you are deemed to be unregistered and should not play. A team playing an unregistered player can have competition points deducted. The test is available online through the Christchurch Netball Centre website, look under Games Officials/Examinations. Do it now - it costs nothing but your time. You will also find information on improving your umpiring.
Teams in Third grade, U14, U13 and U12 are required to supply their own umpire for their game. Failure to do so will require a player to be stood down, ie the team will play with only 6 players. The Coach will discuss with the team if a roster is necessary. If you have someone (parent, sister, brother, friend) who is capable and willing to umpire for the team, then please advise your Coach. Tracy Scott, our Junior Club Captain, will assist in ensuring that each team has an umpire each week.
You can follow us on Facebook. Search for 'Technical Netball Club' and ask to join the group. Also keep an eye on our website www.technicalnetball.co.nz.
Technical Netball Committee