We have some exciting key events coming up, to get you ready for the season, and supporting the spirit of Technical Netball.
Fundraising Event - Thursday 11 May
We have organised a 'Hypnotist' evening on Thursday 11 May, to be held at Hornby Working Men's Club. This is a show suitable for all the family. Tickets will be $16, of which the Club keeps $10. We are looking at each team selling 10 tickets, and more are available. Each team should pay the Coach (or a selected person) for their ticket. The Coach will then make payment to the club (by internet banking). To ensure a good night of fun, lets get as many people together as we can. Tickets should be ordered and paid to the Coach by 30 April.
Coaching Clinic for players aged 10 to 17 - Sunday 30 April
An exciting opportunity to meet your Premier 1 (A team) players, who will lead sessions on skills and drills. Coaches, umpires, managers and parents are most welcome also. This will be held at Catholic Cathedral High School Gym (Ferry Rd), from 10am to noon. There will be a cost of $5 per player, which should be paid on the day. Also bring along $2 for the sausage sizzle at the end. This was run very successfully last year, and we have opened up the age groups this year.
You need to register to attend by return email, telling us the following details:
- your name, current team and main position (defence, shooter, midcourt or coach)
- emergency contact name, home phone, mobile and email,
plus any medical information we need to know about. Contact Tracy Scott on 021 055 9575 for further details.
Club Day 2 - Sunday 30 April
This is your last opportunity to buy uniforms and pay subs (cash or cheques only). It will be held in conjunction with the coaching clinic at Catholic Cathedral High School Gym (upstairs), from 10am to noon.
Grade | Subs are due by May 6 | Discounted (if paid by April 24) |
Premier (A team) | $305 | $280 |
Senior, 2nd, 3rd, U19, | $205 | $180 |
U17, U15, U14, U13, U12, | $165 | $140 |
Technical Top - all ages | $55 | |
Technical Skirt - all ages | $40 |
Entertainment Books for sale
We continue to raise funds by selling Entertainment Books in both digital and hard copy. The digital version is very handy and saves having to carry the big book. The Club receives $13 for every book sold. The current version covers Christchurch, Canterbury and Nelson, however you can order books for other regions, such as Dunedin. The link to the Technical Netball payment page is:
which is where you can order and pay online using credit card details. If you want to pay cash/cheque, then please see Elaine Higgs or Raewyn Pope. The books cost $65 and we will deliver them to you on a Saturday at Hagley. Ensure you include the name of the Technical netball player you know, so that we can get the book to you. They will be available from mid May, for use as from 1 June 2017.
You can now follow us on Facebook. Search for 'Technical Netball Club' and ask to join the group.
As always, please check out the website for the most up to date information.
Happy netballing
Technical Netball Committee