Welcome to Technical Netball Club.
This year we are making it a priority to get teams connected and we invite you all to join in our Club Day - Sunday 31 March 2019. There are prizes for individuals and teams (especially the team with the best turnout), along with plenty of fun. Most of you have already received notice of this event, so we hope your calendar is free.
Place for Fun (Sun or Rain) Catholic Cathedral Gym, Ferry Road
11am to 12.30pm Skills and drills session for U19 to U12 grades, taken by Senior Players and Coaches.
There is a $5 cost which will include a voucher for sausage and drink at the end, and payable on the day. Please register for this by emailing Tracy Scott at tmagscott@gmail.com as we need to know numbers. We would love to see as many as possible take this opportunity to learn in a fun way. So ... register now!
12.30pm to 2pm Club Day for everyone!!
* $2 Sausage sizzle, drinks
* Meet and greet our premier and senior players
* Games, team building, fun activities
* Spot prizes and team prizes
* Uniform sales (new only) $55 shirt and $40 for skirt
* Hoodies for sale $60, ordered to include your chosen name, so you never lose it. Sample sizes will be available.
* Subscriptions, see separate email for details.
Note: Payment for uniforms, hoodies and subs can only be made by cash, cheque or your own banking app on Sunday. There are no EFTPOS facilities.
Technical Netball Committee