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Newsletter Update 28 March

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Newsletter Update 28 March

Welcome to many new players who have signed up to start their netball career with Technical Netball and we are happy to have parents and caregivers on board also. Sending out this newsletter also provides an opportunity to check that all the new email addresses have been recorded correctly. Sometimes some creative thinking is required to decipher every letter/number.

This newsletter is also to update you on where we are at with our teams selection and ongoing trials.

The Premier team is selected.
The Senior Reserve team is nearly finalised.
There are currently 6 teams in 2nd/3rd/4th grade (previously 2A/2B)
We have 2 U19 teams and likely to have 3 U17 teams which are being fine tuned.
We have 2 U11 teams selected this year, with most players coming from St Albans and Westburn schools.

There will be final trials for the following grades on Sunday 3 April - note change of venue in the morning as the Hagley courts are being used for McDonalds Duathlon.

U15 and U14 trials - Sun 3 Apr - Westburn School, Waimairi Rd - 10am to noon.

U13 and U12 trials - Sun 3 Apr - Hagley courts - 2pm to 4pm

It would be helpful if you could let us know if you will NOT BE ATTENDING the trials. Send your replies to 
info@technicalnetball.co.nz along with any other queries that you can't find an answer to.

Don't forget to put your name forward to help out with coaching, managing, umpiring or joining our committee. We thrive on having new blood and fresh ideas.

Club Days are still Apr 10 and Apr 11 at this stage, however the venue may need to change due to the 'earthquake'. 

As always, please check out the website for the most up to date information.

May the weather be kind to our trials, practices and the rest of the city struggling to maintain power supplies.

Technical Netball Committee

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