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Newsletter Trials Update 9 March

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Newsletter Trials Update 9 March

Hagley netball courts are unavailable for us to use for trials as Christchurch Netball Centre has again advised that CCC and Civil Defence have requested no netball activities are held there until further notice. We are currently working to find other courts that we can use, most likely some schools in the north west. However it will take some time to arrange as schools have other issues they are dealing with, and putting up goal posts is probably not that high on their list. 

For this reason we are
delaying trials for Senior Reserve, Second Grade, U19 and U17, probably just for another week. We are having to look at what people we have available to help in selecting, umpiring and organising so we are unable to confirm the days/times at this stage but they are likely to change.

We have not changed the U15, U14, U13 and U12 trials at this time, but there is no guarantee that there may not be changes in future. Our preference is to have trials completed before the school holidays commence, so any changes to the school terms may affect our timelines.

Check the website for up to date information at all times under the EVENTS tab for all trials information. 


If you find yourself unable to attend a trial time, then please email 
info@technicanetball.co.nz to let us know so we don't forget to take you into account. 

We understand that a number of you may not be in Christchurch when trials are on, but expect to return to the city and would still like to play when the season commences on May 7. In this case, please email us your registration and make a note of when you would be available to attend trainings and the date you are due to return. Any information about registrations should be sent to 

We regret all these changes and hope you are not too confused. Look after yourselves and others close by.

Technical Netball Committee

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