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Newsletter Nov 2012

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Newsletter Nov 2012

Welcome to this update newsletter as we keep in touch in the off season.

Congratulations to Raewyn Pope who has been awarded a Volunteer Service award from Christchurch Netball Centre. The club nominated Raewyn to recognise the outstanding service she has given to Technical Netball Club over the last 20 plus years, as a player, coach and administrator. She is the driving force behind getting the trials under way each season as she organises the selectors and umpires. Raewyn is then very adept at encouraging parents and senior players to coach our teams. To top it off, it is due to Raewyn's time and effort that our Prize Giving looks spectacular and runs smoothly and efficiently. She is also very modest about describing her achievements and thanks should also go to her family for letting her give her time.

We have been given some vouchers from the Entertainment Book organisers, as a prize for paying our account, that we would like to 'sell' for a reasonable donation.  They have a shortish expiry time. If you are heading over to Australia, then these could come in useful.  Simply reply to this newsletter with your offer by 30 November 2012 and the vouchers will be available shortly after.

    2x Adult passes to Sea World, Gold Coast, Australia, expire 31/12/2012

    2x Adult passes to Australia Zoo, Sunshine Coast, Australia, expires 31/1/2013

    2 nights accommodation, in a studio apartment, at any Oaks Hotel & Resorts property, expires 17/1/2013. Check their website for locations: www.oakshotelsresorts.com in Queenstown and Australia.

Speaking of raising funds, the committee are looking at ways to increase funding by sponsorship. Your subscriptions already include a $10 fundraising levy as we made a decision to not run our major fundraising event (selling cookies/chocolates) due to the logistical efforts in trying to distribute product and collect money. We made that decision at the end of the 2010 season, which was extremely fortunate, as the earthquakes have made it a different environment for such fundraising. Therefore we are now looking towards sponsorship options to increase our revenue to cover additional costs and minimise any increase in subscriptions. A couple of ideas include naming rights to our A team, plus advertising in a regular monthly newsletter, produced from March to October.

Our A team will be playing in the Premier grade next season – that is, one of the top 6 teams in the Christchurch competition. This competition is played indoors on a Tuesday night. It does bring added costs, as we need to find an indoor practice facility. If anyone out there is able to help in identifying a viable option, then please get in touch. The committee has been looking, but the more eyes the better.  If you would be interested in exploring naming rights, then let us know.

We have around 250 players /families that are members each season. If you would be interested in advertising your product/service to our members, then please contact us. In order to maximise your benefit, we would look to restrict the list so that there are no direct competitors. At this time, we are just seeking how much interest there may be. 

We wish everyone safe and happy holiday break. Check our website from late January as regards trial dates for the 2013 season, however we will also be sending you a newsletter around the same time.

Technical Netball Committee

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