Well that was a rather wet start for the opening round of games for the 2011 netball season. Experience tells us that there will be some sunny (and possibly warm) Saturdays ahead of us. Of the 31 teams in action yesterday, 18 had wins and 1 had a draw. Some large wins were recorded by the U14 JB team (34-1), the U14 JC team (43-1) and the U12 JJ team (40-1). The A team and I team on the other hand, lost by 1 goal. You can view the results each week and keep track of your team's statistics by checking out the CNC website www.netballchristchurch.org.nz . The results are usually available from Sunday.
Once again we are offering you the opportunity to buy your Entertainment Books through the netball club, with $13 from each book coming to the Club. 5% of books sales will also be donated to Christchurch Earthquake recovery efforts. They still represent good value with the addition of Nelson and Marlborough venues. You can now order and pay online with your credit card by going to the following secure website, especially set up for payments from Technical Club people. We will pick up the books and deliver them to you, so there is no charge for postage and handling.
click here to order and pay for the 2011 Entertainment Book
online by credit card.
If you don't want to use online payment option, then complete the order form below.
Send order with cheque to PO Box 29590, Fendalton, Christchurch 8540
or Email order with credit card details to info@technicalnetball.co.nz
click here to print the order form for the 2011 Entertainment Book.
Parents, family and friends - If you are planning to watch your daughter's netball games this season on a regular basis, why not offer to become a Team Manager. The role doesn't require a lot of work but is invaluable to the team. The Team Manager can assist the coaches(es) by picking up the pink card, keeping score and being an active adult presence on the court. If there are ever problems during the game the Team Manager can provide a bit of moral support to the coach if necessary. Where the coach is also a player, then they will need help to cover the times they cannot be with the team either during warm up or game time. If this sounds like something you could do, get in touch with your team's coach and offer your services. They'll be very pleased to hear from you.
Just a reminder that we are always looking for people to help out with umpiring. We encourage players to think about becoming umpires, as it can help your own game if you really understand the rules. In particular Christchurch Netball is keen to hear from young players interested in umpiring as they have an excellent training scheme that ensures you get lots of help and practice. Umpiring is a sport in itself and you can aspire to go to World Championships and Commonwealth Games in that role.
Technical Netball Club Committee