We truly hope that this newsletter finds you safe and as well as can be expected in the circumstances that face Christchurch in the wake of the magnitude 6.3 earthquake that struck on Tuesday 22 February. Our sincerest condolences to those of you who have experienced personal loss and a wish for a speedy recovery for those that suffered injuries. No one will forget the day.
Netball may be far from your thoughts at the moment, however we thought it important to at least let you know where we are at with Trials for the 2011 season. The Christchurch Netball Centre has advised that the Hagley Courts are closed until at least next week. No one has said anything about damage, however we are assuming that the courts will be OK. We may consider moving some trials to local schools if necessary. Please look at the website for up to date information at all times.
We have delayed trials for the following grades only and the new dates are:
Senior Reserve and Second Grade will now be Monday Mar 14, Tuesday Mar 15 and if necessary Thursday Mar 17, from 6pm to 8pm
U19 and U17 will now be Sunday 13 March from 10am to noon, then Tuesday Mar 15 from 5.30-7.30pm, and if necessary Thursday Mar 17, from 5.30-7.30pm
Premiers will have a final trial on Tuesday Mar 15 at 6pm and the team is expected to be announced at the end.
All other grades - days and times remain the same. Keep the registration forms coming in.
We would ask that any of you willing to help in any way for the season, make yourself known at the trials to whoever seems to be in charge. We will need coaches, managers and umpires. We may also need a few helping hands at the trials to help organise teams - just let us know.
If after checking the website you still have queries, then please direct them to info@technicalnetball.co.nz and once of us will be in touch
Kia kaha
Technical Netball Committee
Elaine, Julie, Kristine, Kylie, Nic, Mars, Raewyn