We have so enjoyed watching our A team really turning it on in Premier 1 grade, and winning their games in style. If you can, go and see them play at least once on a Tuesday evening. Well done Riki and Hadyn on keeping the Technical machine rolling on. Also, congratulations to our B, C and D teams for holding their positions in the closed grades. Promotion would be very nice, but it is tough just avoiding relegation. Keep watching for results in round 2. For everyone else, the grading round has been completed and teams have been moved around. While the stronger teams are in the top numbered sections, the sections are not strictly ranked. For example section 5 may be no different to section 4 or 6, due to the number of teams entered at that level. So, don't stress over the actual section number at all. Have you heard about our Mens team - Technical Titans? They play on a Wednesday night at Hillview Christian School. Yet another way of getting your netball fix, including some ideas on playing the game.
Fundraising is ongoing and our next event is Saturday 22 June - Hypnotic Experience - tickets are $16. Teams have been given an allocation of tickets, and we expect that they will all be sold. The Club has already paid the Hypnotist, and now we need your ticket sales to happen. See your Coach for the tickets and how to arrange payment. We will not be selling tickets at the door.
There are still a number of players who have not paid their subscriptions. We need you to pay now, as we have to pay ChCh Netball, and we don't have sufficient funds on hand. We would, if everyone paid up! You can still arrange to make payment by instalments. A separate newsletter will be sent with subscription information again, which you can ignore if you have paid, otherwise - take action.
We still have Entertainment Books available to purchase, hard copy books and digital versions available. These will be delivered to you in person at Hagley courts on a Saturday. Order online from our website. The books are $70, with a credit card transaction fee on top.
For Round 2 we have introduced a new weekly award for our Junior teams - Club Spirit Award. Each week the coaches will nominate a person who has shown commitment, respect, and a good attitude at practice and /or games. They will receive a certificate and treat. At the end of the round, we will draw an overall winner for a bigger prize. A reminder to everyone about behaviour on the court and the sideline. You are representing Technical Club, so show sportsman-like behaviour to the other team, supporters and especially the umpires. When you're down at Hagley on a Saturday follow the Positive Sideline Supporters Code:
#1 Cheer smart - Learn about the game, so you can encourage friends and family to take part.
#2 Cheer with honour - Respect the rules and traditions of the game, and all participants.
#3 Cheer proud - Set an example of fair play for all; Give the cold shoulder to abuse & bad sports.
#4 Cheer fair - Be dignified and gracious whatever the result, whatever the ruling.
#5 Cheer loud - Give it heaps in a way that lets everyone know we love the game.
If you have serious ongoing issues (players, umpiring or sideline) while a game is in progress and you want something done about it - go to the OFFICE, and ask for someone to come and observe. ChCh Netball will not action any complaints made after the game if no attempt has been made to get an Official. It is surprising how the presence of an official will calm things down.
We are already thinking about end of season prize giving, and have decided on an event to be held Saturday 31 August. This is the same night as Finals day. We are looking at some venues, but if you know of a venue that can hold 150-180 people, and allows us to provide food and beverages at a very reasonable price, let us know for us to think about.
There is a wealth of information to be found on our website and Facebook page, also that of Christchurch Netball, so please check them out and make yourself familiar with them. Make use of Facebook to tell us a brief run down on how your team's game went each week - keep it brief and positive.
Facebook: Technical Netball Club
Technical Website: www.technicalnetball.co.nz
Christchurch Netball Website: www.netballchristchurch.org.nz
Happy netballing
Technical Netball Committee
12 June 2019