We are nearly at the end of Round 2 and the School Holidays are upon us. A reminder that there is no netball on Sat 11 July, but there is July 4 and 18.
In the meantime we are offering coaching clinics for Under 13, Under 12 and Under 11 players. These will take place on Tuesday July 16 and Thursday July 18, 3.30 to 5.30pm, at Cathedral Grammar gym in Ferry Rd. A gold coin donation is requested to help cover costs. Coaches have been given the relevant information to pass on to their players, however contact Tracey Scott at tmagscott@gmail.com to register a place if the information has not got to you. Anyone else interested in offering to help on either of those days would be appreciated too.
Round 3 is the Championship round, whereby all teams will be sorted into Divisions within their grades. All sections within a division, will be considered of equal merit. Division 1 teams will be stronger than division 2, who in turn will be stronger than division 3 etc. There are more stringent rules around which players can substitute in other teams for this round. Any player asked to play for another team, must consult their own coach first to ensure they don't break the rules and cost valuable competition points. Coaches will be advised before July 18 about which teams they can use to resource substitutes. Keep an eye out on the ChCh Netball website for the draw to be published - but it will likely be the end of next week, or later.
Congratulations to those selected for Canterbury teams to date:
U 19: Anteisha O'Connell and Jess Prosser
U 15: Michelle Scott and Isla McKillop
U 14: Liyah and Natasha Faga-Ieti, Holly Iafeta and Holly Palmer
Remember when you're down at Hagley on a Saturday to follow the Positive Sideline Supporters Code:
#1 Cheer smart - Learn about the game, so you can encourage friends and family to take part.
#2 Cheer with honour - Respect the rules and traditions of the game, and all participants.
#3 Cheer proud - Set an example of fair play for alls; Give the cold shoulder to abuse & bad sports.
#4 Cheer fair - Be dignified and gracious whatever the result, whatever the ruling.
#5 Cheer loud - Give it heaps in a way that lets everyone know we love the game.
If you have serious ongoing issues (players, umpiring or sideline) while a game is in progress and you want something done about it - go to the OFFICE, and ask for someone to come and observe. ChCh Netball will not action any complaints made after the game if no attempt has been made to get an Official. It is surprising how the presence of an official will calm things down.
If players, family and coaches are having an issue within their team, please contact Elaine Higgs 021 410 824 or Raewyn Pope 027 321 0364 to discuss the matter in the first instance, and in confidence if necessary. Generally, Elaine is often at the courts all day on Saturday's, and can be found in the Office - so you are welcome to call by and have a quiet chat.
We still have Entertainment Books available to purchase. These will be delivered to you in person at Hagley courts on a Saturday. A separate email is coming with more information. If don't already know about these books, take a look at the online example.
There is a wealth of information to be found on our website and Facebook page, also that of Christchurch Netball, so please check them out and make yourself familiar with them. Make use of Facebook to tell us a brief run down on how your team's game went each week - keep it brief and positive.
Facebook: Technical Netball Club
Technical Website: www.technicalnetball.co.nz
Christchurch Netball Website: www.netballchristchurch.org.nz
Happy netballing
Technical Netball Committee
2 July 2015