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Newsletter February 2013

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Newsletter February 2013

Happy New Year to you all, from the Technical Netball Club Committee. We hope you are all fit and well and ready for the 2013 season. TNC is the largest Netball Club in Canterbury and is run by a small group of volunteers but we welcome more. If you are able to help out with the trials or other general duties that are involved in running the club please do not hesitate to call us.

We will need coaches and are willing to provide some training (no cost to you). Being a coach is a very rewarding position and looks great on a CV. Players who also coach a different team are offered a 50% discount on their subscription. If interested please contact, Raewyn Pope on 3585 471 (evenings) or make yourself known at trials.


Avonhead School, Avonhead Rd, - Avonhead.
Sunday 21 April 10am – noon

You need to come to the Club Day to be issued with your player backpack and jacket. We will record your details. If the gear is not returned at the end of the season then we will need to charge you the replacement cost. The current replacement costs are $36 for a backpack and $58 for the jacket.
If you have not returned your gear from last season then we will not be issuing you with any more gear until it is returned to us, or you pay for the cost of replacement. 
You will need to buy uniforms and pay for your subscription on this day also, using either cash and/or cheque. No EFTPOS or credit card facilities are available.

All Coaches need to pick up their team bags on these days.

2013 AGM

This will be held at the start of the Club Day – 9.30am, Sunday 21 April at Avonhead School, Avonhead Rd. If you are able and willing to help us out in any way this season we would love to see you there. Committee contact details will be advised after this.


 Click here to download registration form.

Everyone must complete a registration form before trials.
Please fill out and send to (with or without your subscription):

    Post to: Registrations, Technical Netball Club, PO Box 29590, Fendalton, Christchurch 8540 
    Email to: 
    In person: It is helpful if we receive this at least 2 days before the first trial, however we will accept them at trials.

As we send newsletters by email from our website, please ensure you provide an email address. Most of the information is required to be collected for registration with Netball New Zealand. Full name means first name, middle name(s) and family name.


All trials to be held at Hagley Netball Courts. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to starting time and ensure your details are checked.

 Premier             Saturday         Mar 2 11am - 1pm           Reg from 10.45am

(wet or fine)        Monday           Mar 4 6pm - 8pm

Senior                 Sunday          Mar 10 10am - noon         Reg from 9.45am

(wet or fine)         Monday         Mar 11 6pm – 8pm

2nd, 3rd, 4th      Sunday           Mar 10 10am - noon         Reg from 9.45pm

(wet or fine)         Monday          Mar 11 6pm – 8pm

U19, U17           Sunday           Apr 7 11am - 1pm            Reg from 10.45am

(wet or fine)       Sunday           Apr 14 11am - 1pm

 U15, U14          Sunday             Apr 7 11am - 1pm           Reg from 10.45am

                         Sunday             Apr 14 11am - 1pm

U13, U12, U11   Sunday          Apr 7 1.30pm – 3.30pm     Reg from 1.00pm

                          Sunday          Apr 14 1.30pm – 3.30pm

COMPETITION BEGINS Saturday 11 May 2013



 May 5

before Apr 21
 Premier (includes $20 per indoor round)         $285  $260
 Senior , 2nd, 3rd, 4th, U19  $195  $170
 U17, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11  $155  $130

Discounts available:
1. If you have 2 or more school age children playing, there is a 10% discount for each
2. Coaches who also play (in a different team) receive a 50% discount.
Only one discount option can be claimed.

Fees have increased to absorb fee increases from ChCh Netball and and a new levy from Netball New Zealand. The subscription does also include a $20 fundraising levy which replaces the need to have a major fundraising event. We do anticipate still selling Entertainment Books as they need to be paid before ordering and the distribution is easier. Also, there are a large number of people who expect to get their Entertainment Books from us.

For safety reasons we do not want you to take payment to trials, practice or competition games. Please post your cheque or make payment electronically. Payments by cash can also be made at Club Day.  Receipts will be issued on Club Days.

Postal:     Technical Netball Club, PO Box 29590, Fendalton, Christchurch 8540

Electronic payment: Westpac 03 1591 0105537 00
You must include player first name, last name and grade as a reference. 

Only subscriptions are to be paid electronically – no Uniform payments please. If you may have some difficulty in making one full payment, then we are happy to accept the subscription by instalments. 


All Players are required to purchase their own Technical Club uniform skirt and top. We sell uniforms on Club Day but if your size is not available it will need to be ordered. Payment must be made with the order. The 2013 costs have not been finalised but will be similar to last year (Skirts $32 Tops $47).
Note that this is what it costs the Club to buy them and have our logo put on. We do not make any profit.  The Club does not buy and sell second hand uniforms. You are welcome to attend Club Day to personally sell any uniform items, otherwise we recommend you use other mediums for private sells such as Trade Me, or Buy,Sell & Exchange.


Please ensure you read our Rules. Click here to view Club Rules. It is a condition of registration that you have read and accept our Rules.


We are required to supply 6 Club Umpires in order for us to be able to enter Saturday competition and ChCh Netball require these to be people who have passed the Local Centre Theory (questions and answers are available on ChCh Netball website). It should be considered as a viable sporting option, as there are opportunities for advancing to higher levels and representing Canterbury/New Zealand at the various tournaments. There is plenty of help available. To encourage you, we offer a payment of $150 for the season (15 rounds) to be a Club Umpire. You do get the chance to choose which times you umpire, and also at what level. As a Club Umpire, you will be expected to umpire from U13 grade upward, depending on your abilities and confidence.
We are also required to supply an Under 12 Umpire for each team entered in the Under12 grade. Last year we had 6 teams. Once again we will offer a payment of $150 for the season (of 15 rounds). These games are either played at 9.35 or 10.30. These games are suitable for 14 to 16 year olds who are interested in regular umpiring. If you know of anyone who may be keen (from secondary schools etc) then please encourage them contact us.

If you are interested in either type of umpiring then please contact Elaine Higgs – preferably by email to 
info@technicalnetball.co.nz or text to mobile 021 410 824.


Keep an eye on www.technicalnetball.co.nz for all the latest news and information about your Club. 

In late breaking news,
Ilam New World and the Foodstuffs Community Trust have granted us $1400 to help with pre season training costs for the A and B teams. A huge thank you to Phil Blackburn of Ilam New World for supporting the Club's application. As our A team will be playing in the Premier grade which plays all its games indoors, we are having to hire an indoor court for practices this year. 

We look forward to seeing you all at Trials and to a successful netball season. 

Technical Netball Club Committee

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