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Newsletter Feb 2011

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NEWSLETTER – February 2011

Happy New Year to you all, from the Technical Netball Club Committee. We hope you are all fit and well and ready for the 2011 season. TNC is the largest Netball Club in Canterbury and is run by a small group of volunteers but we welcome more. If you are able to help out with the trials or other general duties that are involved in running the club please do not hesitate to call us.

We need coaches and are willing to provide some training (no cost to you). Being a coach is a very rewarding position and looks great on a CV. Players who also coach a different team are offered a 50% discount on their subscription.
If interested please contact, Raewyn Pope on
3585 471 (evenings) or make yourself known at trials.

Speaking of Coaches, we are thrilled to announce that we have appointed Andrea Cousins as our Premier team Coach. She has coached winning teams in the Mid Canterbury Premier competition, under age rep teams and has currently been appointed as assistant coach for the CantyU21 team. We are sure that her passion and positive nature will flow through to her team.

We will also need a lot more umpires (young and not so young) this year as we are required to provide 6 Club Umpires. You get to choose the times and levels each week. There are numerous courses and other resources available. If interested please contact Elaine Higgs – preferably by email to e.higgs@xtra.co.nz or text to mobile 021 410 824 in the first instance.


High School Old Boys Rugby Club Rooms - 5 Ayr Street, Riccarton

Sunday 10 April 10am – noon
Monday 11 April 5.30 – 6.30pm

You need to come to one of the Club Days to be issued with your player backpack and jacket. We will record your details. If the gear is not returned at the end of the season then we will need to charge you the replacement cost. The current replacement costs are $36 for a backpack and $58 for the jacket.

If you have not returned your gear from last season then we will not be issuing you with any more gear until it is returned to us, or you pay for the cost of replacement.

You will need to buy uniforms (new and second hand) and pay for your subscriptions on these days also, using either cash and/or cheque. No EFTPOS or credit card facilities are available.

All Coaches need to pick up their team bags on these days.

2010 AGM (new date)

As you know, the end of last season was rather disrupted and while we eventually were able to have an awards event, we were unable to hold our AGM. Therefore this will be held at the start of the first Club Day – 9.30am, Sunday 10 April at the HSOB Clubrooms in Ayr St. We would love to see you there. Committee contact details will be advised after this.


Everyone must complete a registration form before trials. Please fill out and send to (with or without your subscription)

Click here to download registration form.

Postal: Registrations, Technical Netball Club, PO Box 29590, Fendalton, Christchurch 8540

In person: It is helpful if we receive this at least 2 days before the first trial, however we will accept them at trials, 30 minutes before starting.

Committee members and Coaches are volunteers so do not get refunded mobile calls. Please make sure you supply a landline phone number. As we send newsletters by email from our website, please ensure you provide an email address. Most of the information is required to be collected for registration with Netball New Zealand. Full name means first name, middle name(s) and family name.


All trials to be held at Hagley Netball Courts. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to starting time.
Register 30 minutes before the first trial date

Premier               Saturday Feb 19     11am - 1pm          Reg from 10.30am

(wet or fine)         Sunday Feb 20       11am - 1pm       

                           Tuesday Mar 22     6pm – 7.30pm

Snr Reserve*      Saturday Feb 26    10am - noon          Reg from 9.30am

(wet or fine)         Monday Feb 28      6pm – 8pm

                           Tuesday Mar 1       6pm – 8pm 

 2A, 2B                 Monday Feb 28     6.30pm – 8pm        Reg from 6.00pm

(wet or fine)          Tuesday Mar 1      6pm – 8pm

U19, U17              Sunday Mar 6       10am - noon           Reg from 9.30am

                            Tuesday Mar 8      5.30 - 7.30pm 

                            Thursday Mar 10   5.30 - 7.30pm         if needed

U15, U14              Sunday Mar 20       10am - noon           Reg from 9.30am

                            Tuesday Mar 22      5.30 - 7.30pm 

                            Thursday Mar 24     5.30 - 7.30pm         if needed

U13, U12              Sunday Mar 27       2pm - 4pm           Reg from 1.30am

                            Tuesday Mar 29      5.30 - 7.30pm 

                            Thursday Mar 31     5.30 - 7.30pm       if needed

*We have places for 2 teams in Senior Reserve and expect one of the teams to progress to Senior grade by the end of the first round.

COMPETITION BEGINS Saturday 7 May 2011


May 1
before Apr 11
 Premier, Senior Res, 2nd, U19           $160  $135
 U17, U15  $155  $130
 U14, U13, U12  $125  $100

Discounts available:
1. If you have 2 or more school age children playing, there is a 10% discount for each
2. Coaches who also play (in a different team) receive a 50% discount.
Only one discount option can be claimed.

Regretfully we have increased our subscriptions after holding them to the same level for the past three years. We have previously absorbed increases in the levies we pay to Christchurch Netball Centre, however this year they have risen 15% on average (or approximately $10 per player).

We are in good financial shape due to previous grant applications and fundraising efforts in selling entertainment books and cookies. Despite the financial success, it is extremely time consuming and frustrating distributing cookies/chocolates and collecting the money. As we are a Club, we do not have a physical base, other than Hagley Courts on a Saturday, from which we can easily distribute and collect in the same way that a School is able to do so.

After some thought, the committee has decided that it will not require players to fundraise by selling items BUT instead we have included in our increase an amount of $10 to replace this. We do anticipate still selling Entertainment Books as they need to be paid before ordering and the distribution is easier. Also, there are a large number of people who expect to get their Entertainment Books from us.

For safety reasons we do not want you to take payment to trials, practice or competition games. Please post your cheque or make payment electronically. Contact the Treasurer, Elaine Higgs to make other arrangements.

Receipts will only be issued if a request is made to the Treasurer.

Postal:     Technical Netball Club, PO Box 29590, Fendalton, Christchurch 8540

Electronic payment: Westpac 03 1591 0105537 00

You must include player first name, last name and grade as a reference. 
Only subscriptions are to be paid electronically – no Uniform payments please


All Players are required to purchase their own Technical Club uniform skirt and top. We will be selling uniforms at Club Days but if your size is not available it will need to be ordered. Payment must be made with the order.

Costs are: Skirts $32 Tops $47

Note that this is what it costs the Club to buy them and have our logo put on. We do not make any profit.

Second hand uniforms may also be available for sale and the selling price will depend on its condition but is generally $25 per item. We will buy back your uniform (the club has a policy of generally paying $20 per item). Please bring to the first Club Day or contact Julie Tolchard
3832 035 (evenings)
We do not arrange to sell on your behalf.


Please ensure you read our Rules. Click here to view Club Rules. It is a condition of registration that you have read and accept our Rules.


Keep an eye on www.technicalnetball.co.nz for all the latest news and information about your Club.

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