The season is drawing to a close and we trust you have all had an enjoyable time, playing, coaching, umpiring or supporting. The last round of normal competition games will be Sat Aug 11. After that, teams which have won their Section will play a semi-final game on Aug 18, with the winners moving on to finals on Saturday Aug 25. In some divisions, teams finishing 2nd may also make the semi-final.
Teams leading their section are:
Prem 2
A team
2nd grade Div 1
E team
Under 14 Div 2
JA team
Under 12 Div 1
JH team
Teams in 2nd place in contention also for a semi final spot:
Under 17 Div 2
L team
Under 13 Div 1
JD team
and maybe the
JC team
Under 12 Div 1
JJ team
Good luck everyone.
Then it is time to celebrate. We will use the same format and venue as in recent years, as we feel it has been quite successful. As a few people have not provided email addresses, would everyone please share the information in the newsletter with your team.
When: Sunday 2 September 2012
Where: Burnside Rugby Football Clubrooms, Burnside Park, entrance off Avonhead Road
Time: Junior 2.00pm to 3.30pm for U12, U13, U14, U15 grades
Time: Senior 4.00pm to 5.30pm for Premier, Senior, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, U19, U17 grades, Skillwise
We will be supplying light food refreshments. A cash bar will be operating for drinks, although Juniors will be provided with a can of fizz.
We welcome everyone along to recognize and celebrate our netball achievements. There are awards for 'Most Promising', 'Most Improved', 'Most Improved', "Coaches Choice/Fair Play' for each team, plus overall grade winners. Please tell your coach how many of you will attend so we can get the food right!.
All players are required to return their playing bag and jacket to their Coach (or a delegated person) before 31 August in good condition. Ensure you have cleaned your jacket and bag. Any player not returning their gear will be considered nonfinancial and will be ineligible to play netball in 2013 for any club until the gear is returned in good condition or satisfactory reimbursement is made to Technical Netball Club. The Coach will be providing us with the list of players who have and who have not returned their gear. You will be charged the current replacement cost of $37 for backpacks and $62 for jackets.
Coaches should return the team jackets/backpacks and the team gear bag on Prize Giving day. You also need to give us the list of names and issued gear, marked with who has returned the gear. Check the numbers found on the backpacks and jackets do match those on the list previously supplied to you. Ensure you have cleaned the bibs, gear and bag. Contact Raewyn Pope if you need to return it at another time.
This will be held in March 2013 and we will be on the lookout for some more people to join us. Generally we meet once a month from January to September. We enjoy superb suppers, the usual discussions and make decisions that affect what happens to your daughter and her netball team. We would love to hear from any of you interested in joining us for next season, particularly from parents of the junior grades.
We welcome your feedback on how things have gone and any suggestions for improvements next year. Either drop an email to us at, or drop a line to our PO Box 29 590, or bend the ear of a committee member at the Prize Giving
Looking forward to seeing you all at Prize Giving.