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Newsletter Apr 2012

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Newsletter Apr 2012

Welcome everyone. This newsletter is going out to all teams which have now been finalised - although we continue to receive requests to join up and regretfully some advising they are withdrawing as they are now playing for school, have become injured, or changed their minds. Please if you do have to withdraw, send an email to info@technicalnetball.co.nz and let your coach know! For those of you practising at the Hagley Courts, be aware that we are waiting for ChCh Netball to tell us which lighted courts we can use, until then it is going to be first in, first served on a practice night. You should have had some contact from your coach, but if you haven't heard anything by Thursday evening (April 12), then drop an email to the 'info' address.

We are nearly there - the season begins Saturday April 28 - and there are a few bits of information that we want to pass on. We have found coaches and/or managers for most teams, but there are still opportunities for permanent coaches for Under 12, Under 19 and 2x Adult teams. Please ring Raewyn 358 5471 in the evenings if you can help. She has done a stunning job in finding coaches for the 23 teams that require them, and so we would love your support to fill all positions.

There is one
last opportunity to purchase new uniforms and pick up a Technical jacket and gear bag before we put them away into storage. You can also pay subs if you have not already done so. We are encouraging people to offer second hand uniforms on Trade Me, our Facebook page, or another media such as Buy, Sell and Exchange.
Day:     Sunday 22 April
Time:    3pm to 4pm
Place:    Avonhead School, Avonhead Rd

urgent plea for people to put their hand up to Umpire an Under12 team each week, either at 9.35am or 10.30am. It is a requirement of their entry into Saturday competition that we provide an umpire and we have 6 teams. They are required to sit a theory test (which is the same as the adult players sit and you can learn the answers first). Anyone can help, from players of all ages to parents and other family/supporters, both females and male. There is a basic umpiring course on either April 23 or 26, plus an information evening on those nights for all umpires also. Christchurch Netball Centre (CNC) offer training sessions to help.  A 50% discount on subs is offered for the Under12 player, or your own sub if you play in another team (that is not Under12).  Please email Elaine e.higgs@xtra.co.nz or ring in the evening on 351 8354 or 021 410 824 is better as she travels out of ChCh most weeks. You don't umpire the Technical team you are associated with, you umpire a different game at a different time to when the Technical team is playing (which will either be before or after - in either case the time will be either 9.35am or 10.30am).

If you played last year for a different Club, then you will need to get a clearance from them to be able to play for Technical this season. CNC have a form that you need to get filled in and signed off by an official of your last club (although it appears that CNC will accept an email authorisation that you can attach to their form). Hand in your signed clearance form to the CNC office, along with a payment of $1. This clearance process is designed to protect all clubs from taking on players who have not paid subscriptions or returned gear to their previous club. In the first instance, the previous club has missed out on funds, and secondly they may do the same thing to the new club, who will then miss out on funds. Your coach has a copy of the clearance form, or you can print one off the CNC website, or you can pick up one from the CNC office on a Saturday. However, you do need to submit your clearance form on the first Saturday. You don't usually need a clearance if you played for your School last year. You don't need a clearance if you didn't play for anyone last year.

At the recent AGM we welcomed Alanna O'Grady to our committee, and everyone is back from last year.  Rachel Huston has taken on the Secretary role (from Kristine Dalbeth) and Sam Morton the Treasurer role (from Elaine Higgs).  It's not too late if you want to join us. Marama Lynch has introduced an addition, with the safe arrival of her third daughter last week. As a committee we are wanting to put our 'survival' mode behind us of last year, and focus on strategies to develop Coaches and Umpires. We haven't forgotten about developing players, but it is the coaches that will do this - not the committee. And of course, we need the umpires for the games to go ahead.

Some of you may be interested in attending some netball training in the holidays, check out what is available with Margaret Foster's academy MotivatioNZ 
www.motivationz.co.nz. In particular she has a a 3 day course for 8-11 years and 12-16 years, happening mid-April.

There is a wealth of information to be found on our website and facebook page, also that of Christchurch Netball, so please check them out and make yourself familiar with them.
Technical Netball Club

We also have an unique opportunity to help out with our Skilwise team, who play every week at 11.25am. The Technical team play a Marist-Albion team each week, and they require an 'umpire' who also 'coaches' them as they play. Contact us on 
info@technicalnetball.co.nz address. In fact if you have any queries, please use that email address as a contact point. It is seen by the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Coaching Co-Ordinator - one of us will get back to you.

Happy netballing
Technical Netball Committee

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