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Newsletter 25 Apr 2012

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Newsletter 25 Apr 2012

A reminder that you need to buy your own uniform to play in on Saturday. If you still require a uniform then please email info@technicalnetball.co.nz and Tracey Mathieson will be in touch. Ensure that you provide a contact number (both landline and mobile, if possible).

We have an opportunity to raise funds by selling Entertainment Books. The Club receives $13 for every book sold.   The current version covers Canterbury  and a few other South Island places. If you want to look at the "Book" online this is the hyperlink to the virtual "Flickbook", a page by page copy of the new book: 
The link to the Technical Netball payment page is: 
www.entertainmentbook.co.nz/orderbooks/13485g7 which is where you can order and pay online using credit card details. The books cost $65 and we will deliver them to you. Alternatively you could put a cheques in the mail to our PO Box 29590, made payable to Technical Netball Club. Ensure you include the name of the Technical netball player you know, so that we can get the book to you. They will be available from mid May, for use as from 1 June 2012.

A reminder to all  those people who stand sideline at games - sub players, coaches, managers, parents and other supporters - please behave by showing respect to everyone involved in the game, including the opposition. This basically means not yelling negative and abusive comments at anyone - your daughter, the Technical team, the opposition team and the umpire, especially the umpires. The greatest turnoff  to us retaining umpires is the abuse from the sideline. They do not do a better job if you yell at them. If there are serious problems with the umpiring, then you must go to the Netball Office and ask for an official to come and take a look. Never take matters into your own hands. Umpires have the ability to penalise the team for unruly sideline behaviour, however they will let you know if it is a problem before taking such action. We would expect adults to take responsibility for themselves, and if necessary bring others in to line. We have a number of young coaches who would appreciate your support.

Each Under 12 team is required to supply an umpire to umpire another Under 12 game. We have been fortunate to find some people to do this for our teams, which does save parents/supporters from being press ganged in to doing it each week, as has happened in previous years. Thanks to Tanisha, Aarleagh, Sarah, Maddy, Sara and Elaine. However if they are unable to do their umpiring any week, we will need to ask a parent/supporter to do it instead.

Also thanks to our 6 Club Umpires - Sarah, Lucretia, Gabby, Hannah, Kailee and Elaine for helping us to meet our required quota. Any other people interested are still welcome to put their name forward. Every extra individual means one team less per week has to do their umpiring task.

All players in the A to H teams (Prem 2, Senior 2, Senior Reserve, 2nd Grade and Under 19) should have completed the Local Centre Theory test in 2010, 2011 or 2012. Everyone completing it this year online, must print out their certificate and hand to their coach no later than this Saturday, 28 April. If you haven't sat the test, then you are deemed to be unregistered and should not play. A team playing an unregistered player can have competition points deducted.

We are still looking for help with our Skilwise team, who play every week at 11.25am. You do not need to do every week as Marist have someone to help as well, so if you do find yourself at Hagley for some time and you would like something to do, consider offering to help out with Skillwise. The Technical team play a Marist-Albion team each week, and they require an 'umpire' who also 'coaches' them as they play. Contact us on 
info@technicalnetball.co.nz address. 

We look forward to a successful start to the season and cross our fingers that the recent superb weather holds out for Saturday, especially to the teams playing at 9.35 and 4.00.
There is a wealth of information to be found on our website and facebook page, also that of Christchurch Netball, so please check them out and make yourself familiar with them. 

Technical Netball Club

Happy netballing
Technical Netball Committee

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