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Newsletter 17 April 2014

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Newsletter 17 April 2014

Welcome everyone.

At last the teams are sorted and everyone should have had contact from their coach by now. Saturday competition begins 5 May and the draw is available for the first round of 5 games.
There is one
last opportunity to purchase new uniforms and pick up a Technical jacket before we put them away into storage. We have no more player backpacks available for issue.    We are encouraging people to offer second hand uniforms on Trade Me, our Facebook page, or another media such as Buy, Sell and Exchange.

Day:     Tuesday 29 April
Time:    7pm to 8pm
Place:    18 Beatrice Place, Avonhead

If you cannot make it this night and you need a uniform, then please contact Raewyn on 027 321 0364 to make an appointment.

A reminder to all  those people who stand sideline at games -
sub players, coaches, managers, parents and other supporters - please behave by showing respect to everyone involved in the game, including the opposition. This basically means not yelling negative and abusive comments at anyone - your daughter, the Technical team, the opposition team and the umpire, especially the umpires. The greatest turnoff  to us retaining umpires is the abuse from the sideline. They do not do a better job if you yell at them. If there are serious problems with the umpiring, then you must go to the Netball Office and ask for an official to come and take a look. Never take matters into your own hands. Umpires have the ability to penalise the team for unruly sideline behaviour, however they will let you know if it is a problem before taking such action. ChCh Netball are trialling a new process this year. Each team in U11 to U19 grades will be asked to appoint a Sideline Leader, who will take responsibility for the behaviour of their spectators. They will be given an identifying armband to wear. We would expect adults to take responsibility for themselves, but sometimes it is necessary bring others in to line. We have a number of young coaches who would appreciate your support.

If you played last year for a different Club, then you will need to
get a clearance from them to be able to play for Technical this season. CNC have a form that you need to get filled in and signed off by an official of your last club (although it appears that CNC will accept an email authorisation that you can attach to their form). Hand in your signed clearance form to the CNC office, along with a payment of $1. This clearance process is designed to protect all clubs from taking on players who have not paid subscriptions or returned gear to their previous club. In the first instance, the previous club has missed out on funds, and secondly they may do the same thing to the new club, who will then miss out on funds. Your coach has a copy of the clearance form, or you can print one off the CNC website, or you can pick up one from the CNC office on a Saturday. However, you do need to submit your clearance form on the first Saturday. You don't usually need a clearance if you played for your School last year. You don't need a clearance if you didn't play for anyone last year.

We look forward to a successful start to the season after we get the Easter and Anzac holidays out of the way. The recent weather makes it seem like winter already.
Look out for details of how to purchase Entertainment Books and raise funds for the Club, coming in a separate email.

A final reminder that your subscription should be paid soon to avoid having to pay the $25 late fee. If you want to pay by instalments, please email us.
There is a wealth of information to be found on our website and facebook page, also that of Christchurch Netball, so please check them out and make yourself familiar with them. 

Technical Netball Club

Happy netballing
Technical Netball Committee

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