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2015 End of Season Seniors

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2015 End of Season Seniors

It's time to put a note in your calendar about end of season celebrations.

The Senior Prize Giving event is held for all teams in Premier, Senior, Senior Reserve, Second Grade, Third Grade, Under 19, Under 17 and Skillwise. This means everyone in teams from Technical A through to Technical O.

When:    Tuesday 8 September, 6:00pm - entry by $30 ticket 

Where:    Mashina Lounge, Peterborough St

What will happen?

We have booked out Mashina Lounge so it is a dedicated space just for us, a vast improvement on the last few years! This means you are able to bring along partners, family & friends to join in the celebration. Mashina Lounge is R18/R20 over the weekend but as this is a separate function there is no age restriction on this event. 

We'll be starting the evening with a quiz and some nibbles, with raffles throughout the night, more delicious food and, of course, the team prizes! Come along dressed up with a team theme and your team could win a great prize! 

Please arrange with your team for one person to collect the money for the tickets and contact info@technicalnetball.co.nz with the number of tickets required by Friday 14th August. Drinks will be at your own cost. Prize giving should finish around 9pm.

A further newsletter will be sent later with information on returning your gear. Good luck for the final Championship round!




Technical Netball Committee.

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